
Appointment Line: 0114 272 2100

The appointment line is open from 08:30am Monday to Friday. 

If you need an interpreter, please ask for one at the time of booking the appointment.

Pre-bookable phone calls

You can now book a Telephone appointment, contact the surgery and one of the reception team will check availability. 

Satellite Hubs

We are now able to book both routine and urgent appointments at other GP Surgeries across Sheffield who offer evening and weekend appointments with GPs and Nurses. For more information about these Satellite Hubs, please visit:

How to Access a Nurse 

Access is by pre-booked appointments via the appointment line.

How to Access a Health Care Assistant

Access is by pre-booked appointments via the appointment line.


It is the policy of this practice to respect privacy, dignity, cultural and religious beliefs of our patients. If you feel you would like a chaperone present during a physical examination by a doctor or other health professional, let us know.


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible so that we are able to give the slot to someone else. In order to maintain a good service to our patients, if you do not attend 3 or more appointments at this surgery without informing us that you wish to cancel your appointment, we reserve the right to cancel your registration.

We would always write to you to inform you of this.